You know what I did yesterday? I finally picked up surfing again. After more than 10 years, I managed to enjoy myself by doing some nasty slope strafing and yeeting myself across huge maps. And because I picked this up and wanting to delve right back into the source community, I also finally clicked the DeSinc video YouTube has been recommending me in my sleep since the 1st of April. His outro is my pick of today, a personal favorite from Half-Life 2 OST.

Half-Life 2 (Kelly Bailey) - Hard Fought (2004)

Picture it: you are in an eastern european looking city, empty streets, the citadel towering through stormy skies in the background. You can hear the loud screeching of tripods, getting ever closer. You would run faster if not for the jump mines scattered all over your path. You whip out your revolver, get into an apartment and engage in close quarter combat against some combine soldiers, transhumans fighting for an alien race invading Earth since you opened a portal to parallel universes in an experiment gone wrong in Black Mesa. The situation seems desperate, but you are Dr Freeman after all. The right man in the wrong place.

Ahah anyway! I know this track is not much more than a 64 bars loop, but what a loop that is. I am not going to go all theey don’t gaaame like this anymooore like an old man, but yeah.

PS: if you don’t know DeSinc, you are lucky as you are about to watch some of the funniest videos of the interwebs, start with this one.